everyone needs to just shut the fuck up about politics

@darnell BTW, single-user instances are a great way for the young'uns (not the music group) born into walled gardens to learn about the original ways of the Internet, as it was intended to be.

To be #makers, #tinkers, #repairers.

Instead of consumers hoodwinked into thinking they're creators and influencers.

Plus, federation is a path better suited towards Web3.0 instead of Web3 😎

Apparently this is how you can boost your Mastodon presence so :

Hi I’m Pigeonburger (pigeon), I’m a 17 year-old self-taught programmer.

I’ve made quite a few popular Twitter bots like and

Planning to move those bots here too!

But I also have lots of other random projects on my Github, and I do freelance work too!

I post about my projects, things I find interesting and just other random things on my mind!

I need to make more of an effort to use this app but self-hosting my own mastodon instance means it’s taking forever for it to discover other servers :( so i don’t know who to follow


Pigeonburger's personal mastodon projects and official account.